To Many More Firsts !

There is something special about each day we breathe. Don’t worry, I won’t make it sound like a magical journey. My Special version of the day can be a suffocating one for you & vice versa. Yet, we all can agree there is something different about first experiences. It can be a simple hello to someone for the first time or taking your first flight journey. It’s all about conversations, experiences, tragedies, happiness & infinite adjectives that exist in English Literature.

The first conversation with a stranger or someone you know but never spoken or thought about. Sometimes the conversation begins with a “Hey.” Sometimes with a question. And, Sometimes a line that makes you smile. But you pick your words because you don’t want to reveal the real you. Maybe this first conversation is your last or maybe you have a follow-up meeting. Maybe it didn’t mean anything to you and you won’t bother yourself thinking about it or maybe it becomes part of your routine. You might have the most interesting to boring conversation. You may bond over likes, you may argue but in the end, you will carry a piece of information from each other’s life. I believe the Universe work interestingly. Few people from this first conversation can be part of your life for a long time only to teach you a lesson & all of a sudden they vanish. All you need to do is start over with a “Hey.” Or a question or maybe with a simple line.

The first solo trip you took because everyone around you was busy. Or maybe you wanted to try something adventure. Maybe you wanted to get over a heartbreak. The trigger could be anything but you took that first trip. For few, it can become an addiction; for others, it’s a realization that they can’t enjoy solo travels. The story is different for each one of us. You may either return with happy memories or tragic tales to tell for the rest of your life. But in both the scenarios, no one can alter that experience for you.

The first day at a new office with all those initial jitters, excitement & anxiety at the same time. You may either worry about the tiniest detail of the day or you won’t bother yourself taking any pressure. You might get lost in search of your work desk to let alone exiting from the campus. You will miss your old colleagues and friends who made your life easy and all of sudden you will have a meltdown that you need to cope up alone. You need to start over and find your circle with whom you can vent about your office day over tea/coffee or discuss that great idea which your mind has stored in for days and you are trying to overcome the fear before presenting. You may like your colleagues or you might simply work & leave. But somewhere in your subconscious mind, you know now they are part of your professional journey as much as you are part of them.

I can preach about the first day in college, a new city or a country itself, the first blog you published or the first picture on your smartphone. It doesn’t matter if it’s your 100th new phone, but there will be always that “First Picture” which you will click using that new phone’s camera. We make our life complicated in our own ways(It’s one of those things at which I ace).But the idea is to maybe start enjoying the luxury of getting these chances to experience in life rather than imagining the million of scenarios which might never occur in any phase of life.

We blame the Universe for its bizarre ways to spoil our plans but what if it’s the Universe’s way to save us from a Bizarre situation in the long run. So, maybe we can start looking forward to many more first experiences in our life and appreciate the Little things. No one is ready for their first silver strand of hair to grow. Sometimes, all you need to do is Pluck it , when it shows.

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